The catalyst for change must be technically apt and have a broad range of emotional competences. They must also have a high level of self-confidence. Catalysts for change have a high degree of influence, commitment, motivation, initiative and optimism, as well as a natural instinct for organisational activity.

For these tasks, people need to undertake their task as a mission and not just a job,; they must be people who are passionate about change. In other words, people who wake up in the morning thinking how to improve with change.
The best catalysts for change are not necessarily innovative, but they recognise the value of a new idea or way of doing things, although they usually are not the original promoters of the innovation.
The transformation management model goes beyond the usual management style and demands a type of person whose enthusiasm mobilises its collaborators. They are people that do not organise or manage others, but that inspire and feel emotionally and intellectually stimulated when articulating their vision. They show a strong faith in their intuition and encourage others to follow them. They are also people who promote relationships with their subordinates.
The catalyst for change should articulate an exciting vision of the new goals of the organisation. And, even if the goals were an utopia, the fact of committing to them may result emotionally pleasant; awakening the emotions of people and encouraging them to reach noble and elevated goals. Catalysts for change provide the organisations with a powerful reason to mobilise change.

Definition: a catalyst is essentially a substance that is present in a chemical reaction that is physically in contact with the reactants, and accelerates, induces or contributes to this reaction without acting over the same.